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Chirocare Scotland
Tracy Naddell DC
McTimoney Chiropractic
Craniosacral Therapy
Visceral Manipulation
Tracy Naddell, D.C. is a McTimoney chiropractor based in the southside of Glasgow, Scotland for the last 20 years.
She practises three therapies:
Chiropractic derives from the Greek words "cheiros" and "praktos" meaning done by hand. Based on the work of John McTimoney. Detailed information is available on the McTimoney Chiropractic website
Craniosacral Therapy
This is based on the work of John Upledger D.O. You can read about this at the Upledger Institute
Visceral Manipulation
Visceral Manipulaltion is based on the work of Jean Pierre Barral D.O. Find out more at the Barral Institute.
An introduction to McTimoney Chiropractic:
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